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Words Got Wrong
    Question 1 of 10

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    Coat or mark (something) messily or carelessly with a greasy or sticky substance
    Cause (liquid) to strike or fall on something in irregular drops
    To make small movements, to wriggle or squirm
    (of a person) give a loud shout or cry
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    Grasp or seize (something) tightly or eagerly
    Say something in a low, soft, or indistinct voice
    (of a liquid) flow out in a rapid and plentiful stream, often suddenly
    Wet thoroughly; soak
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    A dull, heavy sound, such as that made by an object falling to the ground
    Exaggerated or false praise
    A sudden involuntary muscular contraction or convulsive movement, that is sometimes painful
    A mass of small bubbles in liquid caused by agitation, fermentation, etc.; foam
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    A person who is ungracefully thin and tall
    So out of the ordinary that it cannot be imagined as possible
    To speak your opinions and complaints loudly and repeatedly
    Soft and sticky
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    To experience or cause to experience a slight prickling or stinging sensation
    (of a bird) make a loud, harsh noise
    Make a long, high-pitched cry or noise
    Do (something) in a subtle and delicate manner
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    Move about lightly and quickly from side to side or up and down
    To make something appear
    Walk through water or another liquid or soft substance
    For a person or animal to emit a deep loud shout or roar, usually in pain or anger.
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    Fussily and excessively respectable
    (of a person, especially a woman) attractive in a way that suggests a passionate nature
    (of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright
    Making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise
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    Overlay or cover (food, fabric, etc.) with a smooth, shiny coating or finish
    Give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound
    An accent or voice that identifies the person from being part of a sub-culture
    Make a gash in; cut deeply
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    Go or leave somewhere quickly
    Remove (a substance) from the surface of a liquid
    Make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound
    (of a liquid) flow out in a rapid and plentiful stream, often suddenly
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    Offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging
    Affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important
    Being silent
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