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    Give a smothered or half-suppressed laugh; snigger
    Tease (someone) in a playful way
    Drink (alcohol)
    Sit or stand with one leg on either side of
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    Calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements
    Speak or act in a joking manner
    (especially of a child or animal) play roughly and energetically
    Bend (a limb or joint)
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    Indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness
    Go in a specified direction, typically slowly or by an indirect route
    Turn around a point or axis or on a swivel
    Drink plentiful amounts of alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way
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    Research or make painstaking inquiries into something
    Walk or move in a leisurely manner
    To snuggle or embrace someone or something in an affectionate non-sexual hug.
    Change direction suddenly
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    Able to move quickly and easily, and be well coordinated.
    Very large
    (of food or drink) delicious
    Having a striking beauty or splendor that evokes feelings of delighted admiration.
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    Friendly and polite.
    Acting carefully according to a plan in order to achieve a particular goal
    Inspiring great affection; delightful; charming.
    (of the mind) quick to comprehend
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    (especially of a woman) attractively lively and animated
    Neatly skillful and quick in one's movements
    Perfect and without any imperfections
    (of food) extremely appetizing or delicious
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    Magnificent; very impressive
    Bending and moving easily and gracefully; flexible
    Having or showing shrewdness and good judgment, especially in money or business matters
    Splendid and expensive-looking
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    To decorate a place for a special occasion by hanging lights, colored paper, balloons, flowers, etc.
    Entertain or amuse (someone) with talk
    To cause someone to have feelings of great delight or pleasure.
    Go in a specified direction, typically slowly or by an indirect route
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    (especially of a small animal or child) run with quick light steps, especially through fear or excitement
    Drink (alcohol)
    Twist and turn with quick writhing movements
    (of a vehicle or boat) move slowly with engine making regular muffled explosive sounds
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