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Words Got Wrong
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    To become weaker in strength or influence
    Expend or use less time, money, or material on something than is necessary in an attempt to economize
    To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger.
    Go hurriedly through (a place) stealing things and causing damage
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    A person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed
    A quantity of work that should have been done already, but has not yet been done
    A slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint
    A strong, negative, and often angry reaction to something that has happened
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    A sudden release of strong emotion, usually of anger
    Intense or violent pain and struggle, especially accompanying birth, death, or great change
    Severe and overwhelming shock or grief
    The art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, typically in politics
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    False and incorrect
    Not right or reasonable
    Lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting
    Angry and displeased
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    A place that is empty and without people
    (typically of a person or method of work) characterized by a lack of care, thought, or organization
    Furiously angry
    Earthy, vulgar, and often sexually explicit
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    A person who roams around seeking to attack or steal from others
    A dramatic event resulting in great destruction and change
    Extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness
    A very strong feeling of anger
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    A strong expression of anger and disapproval about something
    Widespread destruction
    A feeling of extreme fear
    Serious and immediate danger
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    A stupid or careless mistake
    A persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury
    A person whose dress or behavior seems strange
    Someone who threatens or coerces others who are smaller or weaker
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    A minor fault or weakness in someone's character.
    The state of being tedious
    A small shapeless mass or blob of something, especially soft food
    Someone who reacts with anger quickly and impulsively without thinking carefully first
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    Walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall
    Move (goods) illegally into or out of a country
    To argue about things that are petty and unimportant.
    To grind one's teeth together, typically as a sign of anger
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