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Words Got Wrong
    Question 1 of 10

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    Skill in achieving one's ends by deceit
    A person with a lower rank or status
    A state of depression
    A persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury
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    Amusingly unconventional and different
    Being full of intense anger
    Grimy; dirty
    Making you feel annoyed or bored
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    A person regarded as effeminate or cowardly
    An uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration, typically in a young child
    A sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco
    A person who sells things of questionable value
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    To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger.
    Give a smothered or half-suppressed laugh
    To waste something little by little
    Sink, subside, or bulge downward under weight or pressure or through lack of strength
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    To grind one's teeth together, typically as a sign of anger
    Cause severe and extensive damage to
    Make (a person or animal) go away by waving one's arms at them, saying “shoo,” or otherwise acting in a discouraging manner
    To get something in an indirect or dishonest way.
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    A person who performs relatively menial tasks for someone else, especially obsequiously
    A small piece of tasty food
    An unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder
    Someone who reacts with anger quickly and impulsively without thinking carefully first
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    Skill in achieving one's ends by deceit
    A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen
    A strong, negative, and often angry reaction to something that has happened
    An unexpected, minor, and typically temporary deviation from a general trend
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    A person who is unlikely to amount to anything, and tends to annoy others
    A person considered to be insignificant, especially because they are small or young
    Trivial, worthless, or insolent talk or ideas
    Great anger that results in a desire to punish
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    (especially of a house or vehicle) in a state of severe disrepair
    Contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
    Easily irritated and bad-tempered, usually from lack of sleep or feeling old
    Angry and displeased
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    A strong expression of anger and disapproval about something
    Usually an uncomplimentary term referring to 'white people'
    A thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way
    A contemptibly obnoxious person
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