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Words Got Wrong
    Question 1 of 10

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    (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality
    Having uncontrolled extreme emotion
    Afraid because a person feels less powerful.
    Something very sad often involving suffering.
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    Try to deceive someone as to one's abilities or intentions
    Tell an unimportant lie
    Take small bites out of
    Look quickly, typically in a furtive manner
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    An extremely unpleasant place or experience that causes suffering
    A strong expression of anger and disapproval about something
    Irregularly torn pieces of cloth, paper, or other material
    Details, considerations, or pieces of information of little importance or value
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    To get rid of undesirable things
    Look quickly, typically in a furtive manner
    Give a cry of pain, grief, or anger
    Put a muzzle on (an animal)
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    Pilfer or steal (something, especially a thing of small value) in a casual way
    To cry loudly and uncontrollably.
    To stop, reduce or limit something.
    (of a person or other living thing) lose or lack vitality; grow weak or feeble
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    Make a quick, nervous movement of the face or body as an instinctive reaction to surprise, fear or pain
    To wrinkle and contract, usually due to light, heat, and loss of moisture
    To force an unwilling person to do something by using force or threats.
    Pilfer or steal (something, especially a thing of small value) in a casual way
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    Cruel or severe
    Savagely violent
    Extremely small
    Mawkishly sentimental
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    A feeling of gloom
    A plant disease, especially one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts
    A strong, negative, and often angry reaction to something that has happened
    A small amount of something
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    A small shapeless mass or blob of something, especially soft food
    A disease or ailment
    A person with a lower rank or status
    A feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general
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    Oppressed or treated badly by people in power
    (especially of a person) unfortunate
    A very small amount of something, indicating that it has little importance or worth
    Bothersome or persistent especially in a petty or tiresome way
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