Akiva Lane

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Sentences Created : 193

Akiva Lane


About 20 years ago, I started collecting ‘colorful’ words.  I realized that some words sound a bit funnier and have a somewhat greater emotional impact than others. 


Whenever I read or heard a colorful word, I added it to my list.  By 2001 I had about 200 such words.  But the list was burned up on 9/11 because I worked in 7 World Trade Center, a building that came down in the afternoon.


So I continued to compile the list.  Now there are over 1600 words, all gems.  I had been thinking of making an illustrated book. But then I realilzed that the best way to share these words is a website!  It is truly a labor of love, 


I am constantly amazed how, after 20 years, I am always adding more words.  English certainly is a language rich in colorful, expressive, and emotional words.  These words are great for expressing dramatic feelings.  I am overjoyed that I've found a way to share my love for English in general, and these words in particular.  


Akiva Lane