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    An extreme edge of land before a steep or vertical slope
    A strong feeling of dislike or hatred
    ​a person who is near something that is happening but is involved by accident
    A skilled military shooter detailed to spot and pick off enemy soldiers from a concealed place
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    An ideal or idyllic place or state
    A blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family
    A moment
    Skill in achieving one's ends by deceit
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    Weak and unstable
    Beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way
    A very small amount of something
    To act in a way that is careful and cautious:
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    Being unable to feel something, physically or emotionally.
    Lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined
    Incongruously varied in appearance or character; disparate
    Unpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch
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    Nauseated; feeling sick
    No longer existing or functioning
    Having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute
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    Use deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions
    Make a high-pitched sound or cry
    Develop a pink tinge in the face from embarrassment or shame
    Move or cause to move up and down or from side to side with small rapid movements
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    Having poor to average quality.
    Being unable to feel something, physically or emotionally.
    (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear
    Leaving oneself open to being hurt
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    Extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion, that often turns out to be false
    ​a person who is near something that is happening but is involved by accident
    A cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one's own advantage
    A bad-tempered or habitually sullen person
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    A faithful follower or political supporter, especially one prepared to engage in crime or dishonest practices.
    A feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.
    Enjoyment or vigor in doing something; zest
    A small shapeless mass or blob of something, especially soft food
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    Subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation
    Make a quick, nervous movement of the face or body as an instinctive reaction to surprise, fear or pain
    Break or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces
    To move up and down or from side to side with short, quick, light movements
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